Combine the following sentences into a complex sentence with a noun clause using ‘that’.
1. He will fight to the finish. He says this.
2. She will win the first prize. It is certain.
3. He was innocent. He could not prove that.
4. The manager committed the blunder. It is evident.
5. He will return the money in a couple of days. This is his promise.
6. The patient will recover. This is the doctor’s assurance.
7. They saw the stranger. They say so.
8. Your claims for promotion will not be overlooked. Rest assured.
9. He has committed a mistake. It is obvious.
10. The exams may be postponed. The teacher says this.
1. He says that he will fight to the finish.
2. It is certain that she will win the first prize.
3. He could not prove that he was innocent.
4. It is evident that the manager committed the blunder.
5. He has promised that he will return the money in a couple of days.
6. The doctor assured that the patient would recover.
7. They say that they saw the stranger.
8. Rest assured that your claims for promotion will not be overlooked.
9. It is obvious that he has committed a mistake.
10. The teacher says that the exams may be postponed.