No. | Term | Definition |
1. | Abate | To reduce in intensity or amount. |
2. | Aberration | Departure from what is normal. |
3. | Abhor | To loathe or detest strongly. |
4. | Abound | To exist in large numbers or amounts. |
5. | Absolve | To declare free from guilt or blame. |
6. | Abstain | To refrain voluntarily from something. |
7. | Adept | Highly skilled or proficient. |
8. | Adroit | Clever or skillful with mind or hands. |
9. | Affable | Friendly, easy to talk to. |
10. | Afflict | To cause pain or suffering. |
11. | Allude | To refer indirectly or hint at. |
12. | Amend | To make minor changes to improve. |
13. | Amicable | Characterized by friendliness. |
14. | Amorphous | Without a clear shape or form. |
15. | Anomaly | Something deviating from the norm. |
16. | Apex | The highest point or tip. |
17. | Apprehensive | Anxious or fearful about the future. |
18. | Arbitrary | Based on whim, not reason. |
19. | Archaic | Very old or outdated. |
20. | Aspire | To seek ambitiously; aim toward. |
21. | Augment | To make something larger or more effective. |
22. | Auspicious | Favorable, likely leading to success. |
23. | Authentic | Genuine; not false or copied. |
24. | Belligerent | Hostile, aggressive, or eager to fight. |
25. | Benign | Gentle, kindly; not harmful. |
26. | Bereft | Deprived of or lacking something. |
27. | Blatant | Done openly, unashamedly. |
28. | Brevity | Concise expression; shortness of duration. |
29. | Candor | Honesty or frankness. |
30. | Cascade | A small waterfall or series of waterfalls. |
31. | Chronic | Persistent, long-lasting (especially illness). |
32. | Civic | Relating to a city or citizenship. |
33. | Coalesce | To come together to form one whole. |
34. | Commend | To praise formally or officially. |
35. | Compelling | Evoking strong interest or admiration. |
36. | Competent | Having necessary ability or skill. |
37. | Complacent | Self-satisfied, often without awareness of danger. |
38. | Compliance | Acting according to a request or rule. |
39. | Comprehensive | Thorough; covering all parts. |
40. | Concise | Brief but comprehensive. |
41. | Confer | To have discussions; exchange views. |
42. | Congruent | In agreement or harmony. |
43. | Concerted | Jointly arranged; done together. |
44. | Conjecture | Opinion formed on incomplete information. |
45. | Conscience | Inner sense of right or wrong. |
46. | Conspicuous | Clearly visible or attracting notice. |
47. | Contingent | Dependent on certain conditions. |
48. | Corpulent | Having a bulky, overweight body. |
49. | Daunting | Intimidating, seeming difficult. |
50. | Debunk | To expose falseness of an idea. |
51. | Deluge | Severe flood or overwhelming influx. |
52. | Denounce | To publicly declare as wrong. |
53. | Depict | To represent or describe in detail. |
54. | Derive | To obtain from a specified source. |
55. | Detrimental | Tending to cause harm. |
56. | Dexterous | Demonstrating skill with hands or mind. |
57. | Dilapidated | In disrepair or ruin. |
58. | Diligent | Hardworking, careful in duties. |
59. | Dispel | To make disappear (doubt, feeling, belief). |
60. | Disseminate | To spread widely (information, ideas). |
61. | Distort | To pull out of shape; misrepresent. |
62. | Docile | Easily taught or managed; obedient. |
63. | Dubious | Doubtful or questionable. |
64. | Eclectic | Drawing from diverse sources. |
65. | Elicit | To draw out (response, fact, info). |
66. | Elusive | Difficult to find, catch, define. |
67. | Embolden | To give someone courage or confidence. |
68. | Eminent | Famous and respected in a field. |
69. | Empirical | Based on observation or experiment. |
70. | Endorse | To declare approval or support of. |
71. | Ennui | Feeling of boredom or listlessness. |
72. | Enthrall | To capture someone’s fascinated attention. |
73. | Entice | To attract by offering advantage. |
74. | Equitable | Fair and impartial. |
75. | Euphemism | Mild word for something harsh. |
76. | Exasperate | Greatly irritate or frustrate. |
77. | Exhort | To strongly urge or encourage. |
78. | Exhume | To dig out from the ground. |
79. | Fledgling | Young, inexperienced, or new. |
80. | Futile | Incapable of producing a result; pointless. |
81. | Galvanize | To shock or excite into action. |
82. | Genealogy | Study of family ancestry. |
83. | Gluttony | Excessive greed in eating or drinking. |
84. | Harbinger | Something indicating a future event. |
85. | Harmonious | Forming a pleasing whole. |
86. | Hinder | To create difficulties; slow progress. |
87. | Imminent | About to happen. |
88. | Impromptu | Done spontaneously, without planning. |
89. | Incognito | Concealed identity or hidden. |
90. | Indict | To formally accuse of wrongdoing. |
91. | Induce | To bring about or give rise to. |
92. | Inevitabile | Certain to happen; unavoidable. |
93. | Insipid | Lacking flavor, interest, or vigor. |
94. | Intangible | Unable to be touched; not physical. |
95. | Irreverent | Showing lack of respect for serious matters. |
96. | Keen | Highly developed; sharp. |
97. | Labyrinth | Complex network of passages or paths. |
98. | Languid | Lacking energy or effort. |
99. | Liaison | Communication channel; close working relationship. |
100. | Lucid | Expressed clearly; easy to understand. |