When the reporting verb is in the present or future tense, the verb in the reported speech does not change. He says, ‘I enjoy this.’… Continue reading
Direct to indirect speech: General rules
When we report something usin the exact words of the speaker, we use direct speech. When we report something in our own words, we use… Continue reading
Direct and indirect speech exercise
This grammar exercise tests your ability to use direct and indirect speech correctly. Fill in the blanks. Answers 1. Ramesh said that he had finished… Continue reading
Report the following statements
Sentences are given in direct speech. Change them into indirect speech. Note We usually report statements using a that-clause. Answers 1. My mother said that… Continue reading
Reporting yes or no questions
Yes or no questions are reported with ‘if’ or ‘whether’. Note that we cannot use the words say and tell to report questions. Study the… Continue reading